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Warm weather around the corner

AUGUST sees the end of winter and the hint of warmer times ahead. This is also the time of year when we often have low swell on the Noosa bar, which makes for safer crossings. The biggest change in July is the snapper and pearl perch closure for Queensland. If you are intending to go offshore between July 15 to …

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Moreton Bay dishing up diversity

EVERY time you look around Moreton Bay you find something you never noticed before. Either a new bit of rubble, a fresh piece of reef or a different snag in one of the numerous creeks, which may hold your next personal best. So much ground out in the bay hasn’t been thoroughly explored. Moreton Bay diversity And many of us …

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Birthday outings and outdoor passions

AROUND this time of year a few of my regular fishing and hunting companions have their birthdays, which always calls for a day in the pursuit of our regular outdoor activities. First on the calendar is Kevin Clark, with whom I’ve shared many of my most memorable moments on the water over the past thirty or so years. birthday fishing …

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Trust your friends and ask

HI all, what a fantastic winter it has been on the beaches of the discovery coast. Watching the kids and families enjoying the oceanic lifestyle, especially during the July holidays, has been a special treat. Mud crab captures continued in good numbers up until July and areas such as Baffle Creek provided many with good hauls. ask friends Have a …

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Fixated on flathead in snapper closure

WELL, another month has passed and, with the tricky weather and the forecast all over the place, it’s definitely been difficult to plan trips. Let’s hope by the time this issue comes out the weather has settled into a nice winter pattern. With the snapper ban on, most of my charters have been focussed on chasing flathead because there’s a …

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Collecting bait for beach and flats

AS we enter the final month of winter, the beach fishing season in Queensland and Northern NSW is seriously heating up. So too are the shallow estuary flats, particularly as we head towards the full moon in August and into spring. When it comes to light line bait fishing from the beaches or flats, fresh live bait is best. Let’s …

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Dealing with windy weather

IT has been incredibly tough weather so far this winter. I cannot remember such a windy year and a few of us commented about it via Messenger one woeful day. From the Sunshine Coast to Bundaberg – yuck, just yuck. As if COVID lockdowns didn’t make it hard enough already, and just before our school holidays. woeful wind Throw into …

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August options on Capricorn Coast

HOW time flies – it seems only yesterday we were dusting off the winter woollies and now it’s almost time to pack them away again. I believe we have been very lucky – we have received only a couple of fairly cold snaps but apart from that Jack Frost has been all but absent. This means we are probably in …

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FNQ mackerel numbers discussion

LIVING on Thursday Island, I’m fortunate to be able to explore remote parts of Cape York and the Torres Strait regularly. One of my favourite species to target and cook up is the magnificent spanish mackerel, which has certainly been making headlines recently. Spaniards tick many boxes because they can be caught using a range of techniques, they grow big, …

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A lesson in patience

MY favourite pastime is having a joke with people. Interestingly, I always find it funny, however occasionally my quarries do not. As an example, when I hide their phone or car keys they begin to panic and worry. For me that’s the fun – to see the look of fear on their faces is priceless. patience lesson Also, I often …

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