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Blaksley Anchorage: a hidden gem

WELL, I don’t think we’ve gotten rid of the problems from 2020. It seems this nasty bug we have hanging around is going to continue giving us a bit of trouble in 2021, so looking for places to get away from it all is probably not a bad thing. This month we might have a chat about a little hidden …

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Hard yards in Hervey Bay

WHAT a wet and windy new year we’ve had in Hervey Bay. I hope everyone had a safe and joyous holiday period. I am lucky enough to be writing this article on time, as there is no work currently with the rain and wind. And for good measure, throw in the COVID-19 lockdowns that have been affecting travel plans to …

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Wonderful Wyaralong Dam

WYARALONG Dam is a beautiful waterway situated only 13km from the heart of Beaudesert and is a fabulous place to catch Australian bass with the family. Why Wyaralong? Well, admittedly over the summer period – and particularly during school holidays where dams, rivers and creeks are mostly awash with the wakes of skiers, jet skiers, cruisers and a multitude of …

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Moreton Bay grassie guide

MORETON Bay holds heaps of shallow water areas. When we fish the shallows, we look for rubble patches and any other good-looking structure that holds bait on a high tide. What that means is you fish the shallows on a high tide and retreat to the drop-offs on a low tide. Moreton grassie Peak bite times are dawn and dusk, …

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Beat the heat in Brisbane

FEBRUARY signals the end of the holiday period, and it’s an excellent month for chasing crustaceans around southeast Queensland. Mud crabs are very active, and the banana prawn season will be in full swing over the coming months. Prawns started to get more active in January and will only improve. Heat Brisbane There are very few secrets when it comes …

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Introducing kids to fishing

ASK a bunch of anglers how they got into fishing and you’ll probably find many have the same response – catching a bream land-based with family or friends. This scenario was probably my entry into fishing too. I have been lucky enough to help a bunch of kids catch their first fish land-based in the decades that have followed. In …

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Join the Gold Coast jack hunt

LOOKING back, 2020 was an awesome year for the fishing and boating industry, as well as for fishers. Talking to many of the boat manufacturers, it seems they are going to be building new boats for quite a while. The boat yards are selling boats faster than they can get them. Tackle shops, who this time last year thought things …

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Targeting floodwater bass

FEBRUARY to April in southeast Queensland and on the north coast of NSW is a time of green earth and higher water levels in the freshwater rivers and impoundments. This is a recipe that our most beloved Australian bass battlers absolutely revel in, and not far behind are the dedicated bunch of anglers who wait for the right time to …

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Tackle storage tips

IN recent months we have been faced with strong winds, big seas and even COVID-19 lockdowns limiting fishing options. So what can you do? Sort out your fishing tackle, of course! In this article I outline a number of fishing tackle storage and preparation strategies I use so I’m well placed to find the gear I want in a hurry. …

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Post-flood pelagics action

IS it me or is 2021 heading down the same path as 2020? Either way, the only thing that may keep fishers sane is fishing, and plenty of it is happening. With horrid weather in December, fish came out firing soon after the rain had cleared and much sooner than I thought they would. Usually when we get a deluge, …

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