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Benefits of late-summer rain being seen in Broadwater

Hi Everyone, hope you have all had a good week, we have been spoilt on the Gold and Tweed Coasts for the past couple of weeks with some perfect Autumn weather. This weekend will see a drop in temperature and a shift in the wind direction as we head closer to winter. Let’s see what’s been happening lately. I recommend …

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When the fishing gets tough

fishing gets tough

“That’s why it’s called fishing, not catching,” I said with a resigned face after a quiet day on the water and not landing any fish. Fishing gets tough! For fishos, few things are more frustrating than fishing your reliable spots and coming away without a bite. It’s disheartening working hard to fruitlessly fish the same tides and times that have …

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BIA welcomes loosening the restrictions on recreational boating

Cruise Craft

The Boating Industry Association today welcomed moves by Queensland and Western Australia to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on recreational boating following encouraging signs of containment. Darren Vaux, BIA President, said yesterday’s announcements by the two States were good news for the boating public, businesses and jobs while maintaining a conservative approach to the protection of public health and safety. “Recreational …

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Freshwater flush essential for a thriving ecosystem

freshwater flush fishing

IF you’ve been on the east coast of Queensland in early 2020, it shouldn’t come as a shock when I say we’ve had a lot of rain, providing a solid freshwater flush. The southeast Queensland estuaries changed from the nice clear water we enjoyed for ages to a brown tannin colour as far as the eye can see. It’s not …

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Beach whiting tactics part two: technique and baits

beach whiting tactics fishing

IN all fishing styles it is often the small things we don’t realise we are doing wrong that cost us the most fish. This can all change when we learn from the good days on the water and think about why and how we got things right. Last month I covered what to do and not to do in relation …

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Inshore coral trout fishing firing up on Sunny Coast

inshore coral trout fishing

Well it’s definitely on! For many anglers the ability to wet a line has been easier than ever before. For now we are lucky enough to be able to go for a fish for food and the weather gods have smiled down too. The light winds and the increasing trend for winds to feature more west will see the seas …

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Tackle to use for fishing the Bundaberg region

For something a little bit different this week, I’m going to try to explain what tackle and lures I like to use for certain species around the local Bundaberg region.  We are lucky to live in an area where we have so many options to wet a line. Anyone who knows me knows that chasing barramundi in freshwater impoundments in …

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Weather gods turn on fantastic Gold Coast conditions

weather gods fishing

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a nice week. The weather gods have been turning on some fantastic fishing conditions the past week on the Gold and Tweed Coasts, seeing consistent days with light winds and sunny skies. Let’s check out some options for putting a feed on the plate. I recommend before heading out on the water that you …

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White spot disease found in southeast Queensland again

white spot disease southeast queensland again

WHITE spot disease has returned to southeast Queensland more than three years since the disease was first detected. Biosecurity Queensland undertook routine surveillance for white spot syndrome virus in Moreton Bay last month with mangrove swimming crabs returning positive for the disease. Subsequently, samples from two prawn farms on the Logan River in southeast Queensland also returned positive for white …

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Recent spike in Great Barrier Reef zoning offences

gbr zoning offences

DESPITE issuing a pre-Easter warning, Great Barrier Reef authorities were disappointed to encounter a high volume and array of illegal activity, including zoning offences, threatening the health of the Reef, and the communities dependent on it, over the long weekend. While data is still coming in from partner agencies, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Great Barrier Reef Marine …

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