Fishing News

Fantastic flathead and super soapies at Iluka

Holy moley goalie, it’s September already which means spring has sprung and winter is over for another year. At Iluka, August saw excellent catches of bream from the breakwalls, beaches and headlands, with jewfish to be had from the breakwalls, headlands and inside the mighty Clarence River, while inside the river, luderick dominated catches. flathead soapies Iluka Actually, jewfish were …

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No fishing in lockdown – anglers turned around at SEQ boat ramps

water police fishing in lockdown

‘Fishing for food’ not an excuse – no fishing in lockdown Boaties and anglers are being warned to abide by the south-east Queensland lockdown restrictions, with rules on the land also applying to the sea. Authorities say they’ve had to turn people around at boat ramps across the south-east, with some trying to take advantage of “wording loopholes” for a …

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Vale Ted McLean

ABOUT nine years ago while fishing for tuna out on the Iluka breakwall, my youngest son Mischa and I met a bloke by the name of Ted McLean, who had just moved from Victoria to Ashby (a small village west of Iluka) with his lovely partner Lexie. During that first meeting I was naturally guarded about where the best spots to fish …

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Mackerel frames wanted – NSW DPI Fisheries

mackerel frames

NSW DPI Fisheries wants your mackerel frames. With the water beginning to clear along the NSW north coast after a long wet summer, many pelagic fish are starting to return to the inshore waters, and the NSW DPI wants your mackerel frames. Anglers are starting to catch spanish and spotted mackerel once again, and the Research Angler Program is keen …

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Pipis make great bait but don’t collect to eat in NSW


NSW DPI is reminding recreational fishers that collecting pipis for human consumption is not permitted in NSW. Pipis may be taken for bait from NSW beaches but cannot be moved more than 50m from the high tide mark. This long-standing arrangement is in place because pipis may contain toxins due to natural algal blooms, which are not always visible in …

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Not all raw prawns can be used as bait

WHILE most know, the reason behind buying bait from a bait shop or service station and not from a supermarket is due to the risk of spreading disease. In late 2016 and early 2017, white spot syndrome virus, the causative agent for white spot disease, was confirmed on seven prawn farms in southeast Queensland, and then in waterways around the …

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QLD fishing licence debate

WOULD you be prepared to pay for better fishing? I’ll bet that as soon as most fishers are asked that question, they immediately think of a fishing licence imposed by the government, then imagine the funds for that licence disappearing into government coffers as per most of our other taxes. QLD fishing licence  Well, what if we were guaranteed that …

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Navigation aids in Moreton Bay updated

OCCASIONALLY it’s necessary to make a bit of noise to get a job done, and that is exactly what happened with the recent upgrade of the navigation buoys in the Rous Channel. After a concerted effort with multi-agency support, the upgrade finally took place and the outcome has been considerably better than many people anticipated. The biggest problem with the …

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New oyster shell washing facility for Moreton Bay

A NEW oyster shell washing plant has started operation at the Port of Brisbane to boost shellfish reef restoration efforts. The washer will be used for washing and preparing shells recovered from Brisbane restaurants, pubs and professional shuckers to be reused to restore shellfish reefs of Moreton Bay. The facility is the work of the local Moreton Bay Chapter of …

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Barra structures a hit at Kinchant

OVER the past three years 197 fish-attracting structures have been installed in Kinchant Dam in a joint venture between council and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Recent electrofishing surveys revealed a staggering three-fold increase in barramundi numbers at the 36 sites where structures have been installed in the dam. Mayor Greg Williamson said this was a tremendous result for …

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