Fishing Tips

Fish to ability not expectation

Fish ability expectation

Holy cow, another year is done and dusted. I hope everyone had a great holiday period with friends and family. Fish ability expectation After a tough spring, I am looking forward to summer settling in. Fish ability expectation A massive shout out to all my supporters – sometimes a kind word from a reader makes you smile. Fish ability expectation But …

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Tips for wet summer fishing

wet summer fishing

Rain, we’ve had a lot of it and we are in for a lot more, so they reckon. wet summer fishing It’s certainly affected the fishing scene in the river systems, that’s for sure. wet summer fishing There are always good and bad points to a wet summer. wet summer fishing The bad is that the people upstream miss out …

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Fishing after a freshwater flush

Fishing freshwater flush

Wet, wet, wet is what it has been for the past few weeks on the Gold Coast and with the confirmation of La Niña being in full swing, we will see above average rainfall this summer. Fishing freshwater flush What does this mean for fishers? Fishing freshwater flush Getting wet for one, and with that most likely reduced numbers of …

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Spinning for mackerel and tuna

Spinning mackerel tuna

Nervous bait appears like rain on the surface of the water before out of nowhere the attack comes from both below and above. Fish fins and teeth carve up the surface of the water and birds descend from above, taking advantage of the hapless baitfish that have nowhere left to run. A quick cast into the melee, a few fast …

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Wading flats for fish

Wading flats fish

Hi everyone, we’re in peak season for summer species on the Gold Coast – including sand whiting and mangrove jack. I hope you’re enjoying time off to get out and fish in the wonderful waterways of southeast Queensland. Wading flats fish Over the past two years I ran many mangrove jack charters, however this year I have been heavily booked …

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TCBT team bagging quality fish

TCBT quality fish

G’day crew, I’ve had a couple of months of hiatus and it’s good to be back. As always, I trust everyone is happy, healthy and has been out enjoying our beautiful waterways and the surrounding areas. TCBT quality fish I know the team at The Chandlery Bait and Tackle have been getting out and I’ve even managed to wet a …

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Fitzroy River Barra Bash

Fitzroy River Barra Bash

The 2021 Fitzroy River Barra Bash was held at the end of October this year, and my friend Benny and I fished it as team Bush ’n Beach again. The competition was extended to an extra half day, which worked out so well. We got to Rockhampton a few days before the competition started so we could have a look …

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Offshore predictions – crabbing tips

Offshore crabbing

Hi all, with December not far away, what might be going to happen here on the coast? Well, we might start to get bigger southeasterly gusts and more coastal showers and with the wind comes the southeasterly swell, so be careful on our coastal bars. Offshore crabbing Hopefully, the rainfall tally starts to creep up and maybe we’ll get a …

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Rethinking years of experience after humbling encounter

Rethinking experience humbling

Occasionally, fishing can be a humbling experience. I recently came back from an afternoon session on the riverbank. I collected some live herring and fished them in a reliable spot as the tide bottomed out. The flathead I was after didn’t eventuate and all I caught was a lone bream. Rethinking experience humbling As I walked back to the car, …

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Fine-tuning your flats fishing

Now if you’re getting a little more serious about fishing over the Christmas period, I enjoy a lot of flats fishing for flathead, trevally, bream and the occasional squire. Take into account the water temperature – it’s heating up fast, so as Christmas rolls around that water will become quite warm and this changes the way fish behave, particularly on …

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