
Brisbane threadfin and jewfish captures continue

brisbane threadfin salmon

THIS month will see winter coming to end. Towards the end of the month the weather generally starts to warm and we might even receive a couple of afternoon northerly breezes. In years past I’ve had good success on mangrove jack in late-August. Most anglers believe it’s too early for mangrove jack to be getting active, but if you’re willing …

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Land-based game fishing gurus visit Iluka

land-based game fishing iluka tuna

AS I predicted last month, April saw longtail tuna, jewfish and tailor dominate catches along the Iluka/Yamba breakwalls and most of the headlands here on the mighty Clarence Coast of Northern NSW. Catches of spanish mackerel from the walls have come to a grinding halt, however given the large numbers of tuna about, they would have to be quicker than …

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Tuna, snapper and jewfish throughout Moreton Bay

jewfish throughout moreton bay

FINALLY southeast Queensland has got some much-needed rain and relief from the heat and wind. Dropping water temperatures and the influx of fresh water should fire up the prawns and fish over the coming month and make for great fishing. Tuna Longtail tuna have improved in numbers and regularity, feeding off the surface throughout Moreton Bay since cyclone Oma. Unfortunately, …

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Jewies, Murray cod and more for NSW anglers

jewies nsw

WELCOME to a new year of fishing. I am extremely excited because the new year gives us a chance to take last year’s experiences and use that knowledge to give us a better understanding and hopefully land a lot of new PBs. One of the main things I learnt from a young age is to keep a fishing diary. It …

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Good month of charters in Moreton Bay

charters in moreton bay successful

WITH the weather behaving itself this past month, we’ve been lucky enough to hit the water and get a few charters in Moreton Bay. The main species around at the moment is still flathead, which has been fantastic. They are in good size and numbers. Squire/snapper are about too and for some fun on light gear trevally have been poking …

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New mulloway rules in NSW

new mulloway rules nsw

THE NSW Government is working with fishers to ensure the future of one of NSW’s most prized fish species. Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair said mulloway is a highly regarded sportfish and an important commercial species. “In 2013, the NSW Government introduced a recovery plan with a number of new rules to halt the decline of mulloway stock and …

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Guide to fishing Brisbane rivers and creeks

fishing brisbane threadfin

IT’S been a really good winter for fishos in southeast Queensland and this month should be no different. August is generally a very productive month for a wide range of species. The local flathead run will still be going strong and the jewfish and threadfin will remain active for anglers fishing Brisbane’s rivers and creeks. Good numbers of quality grunter …

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Offshore mulloway magic in southeast QLD

offshore mulloway

IT is that time of year when we are spoilt for species to target offshore. On the shallow grounds we’ve seen a lot of offshore mulloway or jewies as they are affectionately known. Most people associate them with inshore estuaries, rock walls and structure close to river mouths, but they certainly aren’t limited to those areas. The range of these …

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Jewfish and tailor arrive on Clarence Coast

jewfish and tailor iluka

JEWFISH and tailor dominated catches during June here in the Clarence Valley, which is to be expected. I’ve been writing about it for 27 years now and it was happening long before Captain Cook touched down, so it amazes me the number of people still surprised by the yearly event that happens right along the coastline. Winter equals a lot …

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Back fishing Brissie River and the bay

jewfish brissie river

I have managed to nail a couple of good fish including jewfish, snapper, cod and my mate even managed one cracking bream at 44.5cm. Every one of these fish has come on 95mm Zerek Fish Trap vibes. Another interesting thing I’ve learnt is running a good-quality, abrasion-resistant braid is very beneficial. My mate Liam learnt this very quickly as he …

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