Tackleworld – Bundaberg

Fishing still good around Bundy despite the heat

Finally, it’s great to see some cooler weather upon us in the Bundaberg area to cool things down a bit, making it more comfortable to spend some time on the water. The crazy heat earlier in the week was making it nearly unbearable to be out on the water. We are still very lucky that the fishing in our area …

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Hot and westerly around Sunshine Coast

westerly wind snapper sunshine coast

So finally the weather gods have started to play ball toward the end of the week and let most anglers have a shot of getting offshore. With warm westerly breezes and light swell lot of anglers have been hitting the inshore and offshore reefs with some great results. Out wide has been harder to fish but those boats that did …

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Hot weather has fired up barra and jacks

hot weather fired up barra and jacks

Well, the start of the hot weather is certainly upon us in the Bundaberg area with some scorcher days this past week.  These have certainly fired up the mangrove jack in all the local rivers and creeks. THE BURNETT RIVER The Burnett River is still fishing very well.  Some nice grunter and bream have been caught on the gravel beds.  …

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Plenty of life on Bundaberg reefs

coral trout plenty of life bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The forecast for this weekend for the Bundaberg area is a weird one.  It looks like on Saturday we are going to experience some SW winds and it seems there might be a short window of light winds before midday.  However, it pays to check the updated forecast before heading out. The Five Degree and the Fifteen Mile …

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Fishing looking great around Bundy


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE As the days roll around to the weekend, the current forecast for the Bundaberg area is looking great. However, it pays to check the up-to-date weather forecast or even check with the local VMR before heading out. We have perfect tides for the weekend, so if the weather permits, places like the gutters will be well worth a …

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Rivers and impoundments magic around Bundy


Well, another Melbourne Cup has been done and run for another year, and I hope everyone has recovered and is looking forward to wetting a line this weekend. For any big boats hoping to head offshore from the Bundaberg area this weekend, unfortunately at the moment, the weather isn’t looking too flash, so it’s looking like most of the action …

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Fishing the deep the go off Bundaberg

fishing the deep off bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE Looking at the forecast for the Bundaberg area for this weekend, things are looking pretty good!  The tides are looking pretty small so fishing the deep will be ON!  The red emperor have been on the chew over the last few weeks with quite a few people getting close to their bag limit every trip.  Big flesh baits …

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Fantastic fishing around Bundaberg


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE Looking into the weekend’s forecast, things are looking pretty good but as always, keep an eye on up-to-date forecasts before heading out as our weather can change overnight. As for the fishing, this past week has seen some great weather and some fantastic fishing to go with it. The gutters have been fishing well for grass sweetlip, red …

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Bundy rivers and reefs fishing well after small flow


How good was it to receive some well-needed rainfall throughout the Bundaberg district last week? Both the rivers and the reefs tend to fish better after a small flow, so over the next few weeks the fishing and crabbing around Bundaberg should be better than ever. BUNDABERG OFFSHORE With light to moderate east-north-easterlies forecast for this weekend there should be …

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Bundaberg fishing red hot leading up to full moon


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The offshore forecast this weekend is a hard one to call. It’s definitely a good idea to look at the updated forecast before heading out. With the small tides leading up to the full moon the fishing should be red hot! It should be a perfect weekend to chase reds in the deep. Again, your fresh flesh bait …

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