
Monster Moreton Bay flathead


THIS month has been a bit of a mixed bag, with some days quite productive and others simply hard work. The better fishing has occurred on the lead-up to the full and new moons in the shallows. One thing I have noticed is even with the right tides, the fish have been rather finicky. All the little things such as …

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Brad Smith’s tactics for targeting flathead – part 2

brad smith targeting flathead

G’DAY everyone, in last month’s article we discussed locations for finding flathead and this month we will discuss options for targeting flathead with lures. Deepwater jigging or ‘tea bagging’ soft plastics and vibes is a very effective way to target flathead in both deep holes and channels 5m and deeper. In last month’s article I shared a screenshot from my …

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Fish numbers and size increasing through Moreton Bay

fish numbers and size increasing brisbane

WE have seen a few good weather windows over the past month and hopefully June will prove to be a cracker and we can all get out there and grab a feed. I have been getting around the Moreton Bay area and have received encouraging reports as well. Everything is pointing towards a good season for tailor, whiting, flathead and …

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Good month of charters in Moreton Bay

charters in moreton bay successful

WITH the weather behaving itself this past month, we’ve been lucky enough to hit the water and get a few charters in Moreton Bay. The main species around at the moment is still flathead, which has been fantastic. They are in good size and numbers. Squire/snapper are about too and for some fun on light gear trevally have been poking …

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Top 10 tips for fishing success

top 10 tips fishing success

FISHING is a sport where we are forever learning and over the past few decades I have learnt from magazines, television, the internet and other anglers, developing my knowledge and skills based around different species, techniques, environments, weather and water conditions, lure selection, knots and more. As we learn more and discover more pieces to the puzzle, we begin to …

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Capricorn Coast offers up fishy goodies galore

capricorn coast threadfin

IT’S been a long wait but spring is finally here. You can start to box up the winter warmers and put away the heaters. Overall, I would call this winter a mild one. We didn’t see too many awful cold days in the low single digits. That probably means we are in for one hell of a hot summer. So …

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Guide to fishing Brisbane rivers and creeks

fishing brisbane threadfin

IT’S been a really good winter for fishos in southeast Queensland and this month should be no different. August is generally a very productive month for a wide range of species. The local flathead run will still be going strong and the jewfish and threadfin will remain active for anglers fishing Brisbane’s rivers and creeks. Good numbers of quality grunter …

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Myth busted on dusky flathead sex change

monster dusky flathead

DUSKY flathead can be found along the east of coast of Australia from Cairns in north Queensland to the Gippsland lakes in eastern Victoria. In Queensland, dusky flathead is a key target species, with the recreational fishing sector estimated to take 150 tonnes annually (McGilvray et. al 2014). That is approximately three times the reported commercial harvest. Fisheries Queensland collects length, sex …

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A flathead comp to remember – 2017 GC Flatty Classic

2017 Flathead Classic

The presentations were concluded and we managed to sneak into the top 10 in the three-man division, with the Whyte brothers absolutely schooling the rest of the field and Brendon Whyte taking out champion angler with an amazingly high score. This team really is the benchmark for other teams to try to reach.The brothers fish so well together they’re like …

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