Red emperor

Bad weather abates for Turkey Beach trip

turkey beach goldband

The good news is the goldbands were still there, as were huge pearlies and big snapper. George made another spectacle of himself with a great double hook-up of the largest redthroat of the trip and a big snapper. We were impressed by the consistent size of the parrot and redthroat out deep and the quality of the pearl perch was …

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Experiencing the Bunker Group reefs

bunker group reefs crayfish

It is important to remember when entering the water that you are entering the fish’s world. You are the unexpected guest, not them. A lot of people fear what can be found in our Queensland waters and it is only normal in the beginning, especially being a fisher and knowing that about 20 percent of fish caught in the shallows …

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Exploring north of Fitzroy Reef for red emperor and reefies

red emperor north of fitzroy reef

We picked up great shows on the sounder and really craggy country to work over, but with time marching on and excellent fish in the box, the call was made to head towards home and fish a few more locations along the way. The fish cleaning is always a big task and a couple of big buckets of salt water …

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Tea-smoked red emperor soup recipe

This creamy tea-smoked red emperor soup recipe is sure to delight the tastebuds. Try something a little different with your fresh red emperor catch. The tea-smoked fish and Thai flavours blend together perfectly and can be served as an appetiser or a main meal to satisfy anyone with a penchant for quality food. Ingredients – smoking fish 1 dessert spoon …

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Big red emperor on the Fraser Coast

It’s pretty amusing to watch but still somewhat frustrating knowing we are losing quality fish. I moved on and decided to go and check out the rock I had found last year that I mentioned earlier. As I sounded over I was blown away that it had no life on it at all. I was disappointed but as I’ve mentioned …

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Extended trip to Swain Reefs

Some of the fishing from the deck of the Capricorn Star was very good. Everyone was fishing braid, and with an experienced crew tangles were at a minimum. On a number of occasions the quality of fish was much better than I had expected, and it was surprising how quickly a good catch could be put together. Ivan Mapp landed …

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Bring on Red Emperor (The Holy Red Fish)

When reds are on, they are really on, but they can be easily spooked. We have noticed that all it can take is a couple of bust-offs for them to go completely off the bite. This is why I strongly recommend people put in the hard yards and find as many red locations as possible so you can hit all …

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Red emperor seafood chowder

Melissa Frohloff’s seafood chowder recipe comprises red emperor for a spectacular-tasting meal. Red emperor and prawn stock 1 red emperor head 250g prawn heads Water 1 bulb garlic Method Remove heads from green prawns. Place prawn heads and red emperor head into boiler and cover with water. Cut top and bottom off garlic bulb and place in boiler. Bring to …

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Red-hot red action

On our last drift before anchoring we boated a good red and pearlie, with yours truly hooking up to a noah. We decided to anchor on this little patch and on the first drop another red came aboard, then another. But then the tax man moved in and we lost a big red before our baits began getting walloped every drop. The …

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