
Deep edge flathead fishing fun

RECENTLY, while taking advantage of the good weather and fishing local rivers and estuaries with soft plastics, we encountered a neap tide or two. A neap tide occurs just after the first or third quarters of the moon, when there is least difference between high and low water, and anglers often use the phrase ‘no run, no fun’ because the …

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How and where to buy a Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIPS)

Fishing in stocked impoundments There are 63 impoundments (dams and weirs) in Queensland that require a Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) permit to fish with a line. The impoundments are stocked with native fish specifically for recreational fishing. The scheme provides a sustainable fishing option that reduces the fishing pressure on wild fish stocks. Before you go fishing check the interactive …

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Fisheries blitz on freshwater permit evaders

A new seasonal campaign to crack down on people fishing without a freshwater permit in Queensland’s stocked impoundments is underway. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol District Manager North Queensland Glenn Shiels said fishers can expect to see fisheries officers on patrol at any stocked impoundment, at any time. freshwater permit “It’s important that everyone does the right thing to ensure …

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Caravanning the Queensland coast

HI all, we’ve only just started this adventure and already it’s had a great impact on my personality and thought patterns. The rigidity of time schedules and limitations have simply disappeared into nothingness. We left our home thinking of all the places we’d discover, but who would have believed the main discoveries would be internal and in such a small …

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Federal minister revokes Queensland fishery licence – shark fins


Sussan Ley says conditions of export licence for shark fins and other products have not been met! Environment minister Sussan Ley has moved to revoke the export of shark fins and other seafood products from a Queensland government fishery over inaction on reforms to protect threatened species. Ley has written to Queensland’s fisheries minister, Mark Furner, saying the state had …

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CQ barra fever starts

DUST off your baitcasters and change your hooks on your favourite barramundi lures because September has finally arrived! We can wave goodbye to winter because it’s definitely time to let barra fever take over. Longer days, warmer early mornings and rising water temperature have fish such as barra and mangrove jack becoming more active and with longer bite windows. With …

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Kicking it at Coral Bay

I HOPE everyone is staying safe during these crazy times The Western Australia border was still closed at the time of writing this article, though I am sure it will reopen in due course to allow us east coasters the opportunity to venture over to the west coast to explore. A couple of our favourite destinations on the west coast …

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Cape York’s wonderful Wenlock River

WELL, with all the who-haa that’s been going on, here at Cape York we locals finally got a late OK from authorities to travel within the Cape’s ‘biosecurity region’. So, my wife Shelley and I decided to tackle the 8-hour lap from Cooktown to Weipa to visit our kids, and of course get out for a fish in that magical …

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State of confusion

State of confusion

FOR anyone who fishes and enjoys boating, the past few months have been full of change, uncertainty, confusion and totally compounded by a severe lack of good leadership by those in charge of boating and fishing in Queensland. The state of confusion started at the commencement of COVID-19 restrictions when the boss of Maritime Safety Queensland came out hard in …

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WA leads the way in monitoring snapper stocks

snapper on sounder

In a first for Australia, active acoustic equipment (echosounder) and unBaited Remote Underwater Video (uBRUV)cameras have been used together to assess snapper stocks as they aggregated to spawn in the waters off the northern end of Bernier Island. For the past three winters, these waters off Shark Bay have been closed to fishing for pink snapper from June until August, …

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