Fish Species Guide

Autumn fishing Gladstone style

autumn fishing Gladstone

WELCOME to autumn. February definitely brought the heat and, finally, rain to most parts of Queensland, setting things up nicely for autumn fishing Gladstone style. Closer to the coast, rainfall has ensured the rivers and creeks get a much-needed flush of fresh water. Though I feel for the struggling farmers who missed out on relief from drought conditions and my …

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Green again around Glenlyon

green again

LIKE most regions, we have had some rain, though not enough at the time of writing. However, a flow of water down the Mole River and into the Dumaresq River will contribute to making things green again around Glenlyon. For those who don’t quite know their geography, the Dumaresq is a stretch of water between the NSW and Queensland borders. …

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Return of spotted mackerel to Brunswick Heads

spotted mackerel brunswick heads

IT’S nice to see the return of spotted mackerel to Brunswick Heads after they’ve been absent for a few years. These crazy little fish are as frustrating as ever but when they decide to bite, they can really turn it on. A lot of people I know around Brunswick Heads don’t like spotted mackerel as much as the larger spanish …

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Water temps start to drop on Sunshine Coast

water temps drop sunshine coast spanish mackerel

Now is the time of year where the fishing have been great and will continue to be as water temps drop. The spring tides pushed masses of bait into the bays and all along the coast line from Mooloolaba and north of Noosa. This has seen lots of mackerel and tuna follow and many anglers have finally caught their PB …

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Tilapia fishing around Brisbane

tilapia fishing brisbane

EVER since I can remember going fishing as a youngster, tilapia were a regular catch from Oxley Creek and North Pine Dam. Unfortunately, tilapia have rapidly spread in the past decade and seem to have infested almost every waterway. I live near Oxley in the western suburbs and while riding bikes with the kids have observed the populations of tilapia …

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Burnett River the place to be at Bundaberg

burnett river bundaberg

BURNETT RIVER For those fishing the Burnett River at Bundaberg who want to spend the day out, put in the crab pots first as there have been reports of good-sized chocolate bucks coming in. With the weather starting to cool down, the mangrove jacks will start to slow as the water cools, but if you want to keep chasing them …

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Benefits of late-summer rain being seen in Broadwater

Hi Everyone, hope you have all had a good week, we have been spoilt on the Gold and Tweed Coasts for the past couple of weeks with some perfect Autumn weather. This weekend will see a drop in temperature and a shift in the wind direction as we head closer to winter. Let’s see what’s been happening lately. I recommend …

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When the fishing gets tough

fishing gets tough

“That’s why it’s called fishing, not catching,” I said with a resigned face after a quiet day on the water and not landing any fish. Fishing gets tough! For fishos, few things are more frustrating than fishing your reliable spots and coming away without a bite. It’s disheartening working hard to fruitlessly fish the same tides and times that have …

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BIA welcomes loosening the restrictions on recreational boating

Cruise Craft

The Boating Industry Association today welcomed moves by Queensland and Western Australia to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on recreational boating following encouraging signs of containment. Darren Vaux, BIA President, said yesterday’s announcements by the two States were good news for the boating public, businesses and jobs while maintaining a conservative approach to the protection of public health and safety. “Recreational …

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Freshwater flush essential for a thriving ecosystem

freshwater flush fishing

IF you’ve been on the east coast of Queensland in early 2020, it shouldn’t come as a shock when I say we’ve had a lot of rain, providing a solid freshwater flush. The southeast Queensland estuaries changed from the nice clear water we enjoyed for ages to a brown tannin colour as far as the eye can see. It’s not …

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