Fishing Rigs

Fishing rigs can occasionally be tricky to get right, especially if you’re fishing outside your comfort zone. Luckily Bush ‘n Beach’s experienced writers know all the tricks in the book.

Float Lining for a Trophy Fish

Some people think you need to travel many kilometres offshore to catch big snapper, but that is not always the case. My PB 88cm snapper was caught in Moreton Bay in just 3.5m of water. Fishing the bay is a lot harder than fishing the offshore reefs. Fishing the correct tides, moon phases, with fresh baits and the right technique …

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Tailor Tactics – Rock and Estuary

it impedes the lure’s action. The braid helps to get your lure down deeper and bumps on the line from weed or a fish are better transferred to the rod without the stretch of mono. Medium to fast-action rods of about 7’ are perfect for this technique. Once I find the fish and hook up, I like to then cut …

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Good times fishing Fitzroy Reef

At this stage the broomstick actually has a noticeable bend in it and instinct says you need to either reach for the gaff or the landing net fairly soon. Anyhow, George was up to all his favourite tricks around Fitzroy and it was no big surprise that on the first few days he managed to land the biggest coral trout …

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How not to get knotted when using worms

WITHOUT doubt the best baits for school jew are either live or preserved beach worms or live bloodworms. While some anglers simply put a bunch of worms on the shank of the hook, I much prefer to present my bait so it passes over the eye of the hook and up my line about 3-4cm. I bait worms this way …

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How to rig squid strips

MOST anglers I have met over the years know that whole squid is a great bait for mulloway, however very few realise that you will catch just as many (sometimes more) fish by stripping large torpedo squid. The beauty of using strips is that you will catch mulloway from 2-42kg using this method, whereas if you rig squid whole and …

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Freshwater fix from a quick flick

This was a good reminder for me to check the Seqwater website when water levels are down in dams. Hopefully I’ll get back into some Borumba fishing soon. Monduran Dam Recently I was lucky enough to head to Monduran Dam with my mate Jackson for a much-anticipated barra fish. This dam is huge and upon arrival we met up with one of …

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Time to hit shallow reefs off Double Island

I will try to do a few trips chasing mackerel, snapper, tasty grass sweetlip, pearl and moses perch and estuary cod. At this time of year there should be plenty of large-mouth nannygai around. These fish love the big trawler squid that I get off my mate Nathan Dum-schat, as well as big green prawns. The bonus is all this …

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Recent rain revitalised Broadwater region

The area between Crab Island and the mouth of the Coomera River is the place to find them. The best spot for tailor south of the Seaway has been the eastern edge of the main channel to Marina Mirage, fishing at the top of the tide or just on dark. Now I must confess the past couple of months for me …

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Top trolling and reef fishing

reef fishing

visit Scotty holds a certificate of survey for eight people on day trips and six for overnighters. Thanks for a great day mate. For my next trip it was back to my little 4.3m tin-nie with me old mucker Mick Slade for an early morning bombing mission to the areas around Quartz Rock. We were on the water in …

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