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Stanage Bay for Christmas?

HI to everybody from Stanage Bay. The fishing during October at Stanage was very slow, with a heap of barramundi and fingermark being spotted, though not many actually landed. Several anglers found success using dead bait, however lures and live bait were also successful on occasion. Chris caught a dream catch saltwater barramundi in late October using a live mullet …

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Christmas in Moreton Bay

REALITY check – the big guy in the red suit is not far away. With Christmas destinations limited this year it can only mean one thing – more fishing in Moreton Bay! This is the perfect time to go to the shed, grab the fishing gear you’re going to take away with you and check it out for damage from …

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Whiting make summer exciting

WELL, it’s the last month of 2020 and to say it’s been a challenging year for many people would be a massive understatement. One thing that thankfully doesn’t change is fishing in its most basic form. There is nothing better than getting away by yourself or with friends and family to wet a line. That’s how I escape it all …

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Third Fitzroy River Barra Bash

IT’S a sad time of year on the Capricorn Coast when barramundi are off the target list for three months. However, a sneaky Awoonga trip may be on the cards for a fix. This month we are going to focus on the results from the Fitzroy River Barra Bash that was held in October. With COVID-19 messing with just about …

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Trip to Saumarez Reef

THERE’S not much to report on my fishing charters because I’ve only been out once over the past month. We caught a couple of flathead and a few small snapper, but I just haven’t been able to line up with any good weather, so hopefully next month will be better – we’ll see how we go. Saumarez Reef On the …

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Consistency in South Burnett dams

SINCE the lifting of restrictions, the standout dam has been Lake Boondooma. I have the luxury of guiding on most dams in southeast Queensland, and Lake Boondooma has been turning up good numbers of Australian bass and consistent catches of yellowbelly. We are into early summer and water temperature is above 20C, so we have seen a thermocline develop in …

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Northern Rivers good between storms

HELLO all and welcome to this month’s edition. It has been another interesting month around the Northern Rivers as far as fishing goes. The weather has continued to heat up and we have seen our first storms and rain for the summer. One big concern for the coming season is the amount of rain we are going to see. The …

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Summer options in the Bay

AS summer kicks into gear, species such as estuary cod, mangrove jack, threadfin salmon, snapper, grass sweetlip, spangled emperor, tuskfish, moses perch, trevally and other pelagics come into play. Most of the reef species can be found around the bay islands, artificial reefs and in the Brisbane River, while pelagics are found in more open waters. The shipping channel, Rous, …

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Benefits of a fishing guide

FOR the past 25 years or so of my life, I have been well and truly bitten by the fishing bug and have tried to learn as much as I can about our great sport. This includes subscriptions to magazines such as this one, reading books, watching videos and, with the advent of social media and subscription TV channels, following …

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Impoundment barramundi hints

EVERY year when December rolls around many barramundi anglers simply pack their gear away for three months and wait with bated breath for the season to re-open in February. What’s interesting is that a good portion of these dedicated barra nuts choose not to tap into the many freshwater impoundments littered up and down the coast that hold fantastic numbers …

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