Fishing News

Fish reef domes a boon for environment & recreational fishing

fish reef domes nsw

IN a boost for both recreational fishing and the environment, new UNSW research shows that artificial reef domes can increase fish abundance in estuaries with little natural reef. Researchers installed six manmade reefs per estuary studied and found overall fish abundance increased up to 20 times in each reef across a two-year period. The study, published in the Journal of …

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Do you know your Research Angler Program drop-off locations?

research angler program nsw dpi

Where is your nearest frame drop-off location? NSW DPI Fisheries currently has 31 Research Angler Program locations from the Tweed Fisheries office in the north to the Eden Fisheries office in the south, making it easy for you to contribute to this important citizen science program. Many local tackle outlets – such as the Nambucca Heads Boatshed and Cafe (pictured) …

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New Tweed reef designed for multi-species appeal

tweed reef artificial reef nsw

NSW’s newest offshore artificial reef will feature a specially designed 10m high “fish grotto” as well as innovative “arrowhead” reef modules boasting unique habitat features to attract and hold key sportfish including Spanish and spotted mackerel, cobia, kingfish, amberjack and samsonfish. DPI has awarded a contract for Pacific Marine Group to construct and install the new reef off Tweed Heads. …

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Joint operation targets illegal fisher in western NSW

illegal fisher nsw

An illegal fisher has been apprehended during a weekend near Warren, following a joint operation between NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Fisheries officers and NSW Police Rural Crime Unit, Acting Director NSWDPI Fisheries Compliance, Dr Andrew Moriarty said. Two men, a 49-year-old man from Dubbo and a 58-year-old man from Wongarbon, were apprehended on Saturday 27 June 2020 on the …

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Catch, upload and earn with PicTrax

pictrax app

RECREATIONAL fisherfolk who come across great waterway scenes or who land superb catches against stunning backgrounds can now make money from doing what they probably would anyway – taking a few photos on their mobile phones. An Australian-designed and developed photography app, PicTrax, has been engineered to create a unique Australia-wide catalogue of great mobile phone shots. Postcard-style waterway locations …

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New Queensland study to shed light on black jewfish population

black jewfish population

QUEENSLAND Government scientists will assess the population biology of black jewfish in a new research project to better understand stocks and manage the species. Minister for Agricultural Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the three-year priority project would provide crucial information to help protect the sustainability of black jewfish. “We need to know more about black jewfish on the east …

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Fishing for feedback on snapper and pearl perch

feedback snapper pearl perch survey

QUEENSLAND recreational fishers, charter boat operators and other stakeholders in Queensland’s fisheries are being urged to take part and provide feedback in a survey to inform a project that is aiming to help rebuild stocks of snapper and pearl perch in the state. An assessment in 2019 found that in Queensland waters stocks of snapper and pearl perch were at …

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North Queensland barramundi farm to triple production, support jobs

victorian barra fishing barramundi farm

A NORTH Queensland barramundi farm will produce a million fish a year through an intensive fish nursery and support more than 20 new regional jobs with a funding boost from the Queensland Government. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said barramundi farm Mainstream Aquaculture was one of 14 businesses in Queensland to receive a Rural Economic Development …

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Fantastic kids activity page on DPI website

kids activity fishing dpi nsw

THE NSW Department of Primary Industries website has recently been updated to include a fantastic page dedicated to providing junior anglers with a stack of interesting info and kids activities! If your children are stuck at home due to COVID-19 restrictions, this innovative resource presents an excellent opportunity to not only keep them entertained with many a great kids activity, …

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Which fish species eat crown-of-thorns starfish?

crown-of-thorns starfish eaten by fish

GREAT Barrier Reef research has found the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish is eaten more often than thought.  Crown-of-thorns starfish are on the menu for many more fish species than previously suspected, an investigation using fish poo and gut goo reveals. The finding suggests that particular fish including popular eating and aquarium species might have a role to play in keeping the destructive pest population under control. The native …

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