Gold Coast

Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a nice week. At the time of writing my report, we were once again under the threat of heavy rainfall and strong wind this week on the Gold and Tweed coasts. We can’t seem to get a break from this weather pattern. I do hope that everyone stays safe, and we see some …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a nice week and had a good Labour Day long weekend. It has been a fairly decent week weather-wise, with the Tweed and Gold coasts having a fairly light wind and a few showers so far, giving fishos a good opportunity to hit the water for a fishing session. As we look towards …

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Gold Coast Coomera – Weekend fishing report

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good week and had a nice Anzac long weekend. It has been yet another wet week on the Gold and Tweed coasts – at least the wind eased up a bit. At the time of writing the report, it looks as though we’ll see more rain on the weekend, but at least …

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Gold Coast Coomera – Weekend fishing report

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good week and enjoyed your Easter break, it was good to see some sunshine and a light wind earlier this week on the Tweed and Gold Coast. But unfortunately, we are looking at the wind strengthening from the southeast and the rain to return as it has every weekend for the past …

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Mixed Gold Coast species

NOVEMBER is the last month of spring and a good time to target mixed species in our local estuaries on the Gold Coast. Flathead are still available before they commence spawning over the summer months, while sand whiting can be caught at night in the Nerang River and over yabby banks during the day. Both these fish will readily rise …

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Gold Coast monster flathead

WITH monster flathead on the minds of many Gold Coast and SEQ anglers, it’s an obvious choice to try a few new spots and techniques. It’s the best time of the year for chasing that monster or even a new personal best. So many new plastics, hard-bodies and vibes make their way to the shelves of tackle shops every year, …

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Jewfish biting in Broadwater

IN this month’s article I hope to give you a few tips on what species to target and the best techniques to target them with. I call October a transitional month, because several winter species start to slow down and local species that relish warmer conditions start to fire. Whiting thrive from spring through to summer, particularly during the weeks …

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Broadwater brings the action on blades

THE Gold Coast Broadwater has been fishing remarkably well and has had a great variety of fish on the bite. School mackerel normally appear in the southern Broadwater at this time of year because they begin their annual migration from the north. I have never seen this many though – we’ve had large numbers of schoolies feeding every day for …

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Talking about targeting trevally

targeting trevally

G’DAY everyone, in this month’s article I will discuss some ideas for targeting one of our hardest-fighting estuary species: trevally. The Gold Coast and Tweed Heads area harbours numerous trevally types including bluefin, diamond, brassy, golden, bigeye and giant, with the last two the most prolific. The common theme with all these trevally is they become more active on the …

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Winter species still strong on Gold Coast

WINTER has flown by and we are already almost into spring, though our winter species here on the Gold Coast will still be in full swing. Here in Queensland we have just experienced our first year of the snapper and pearl perch closure, which was in effect until August 15, meaning you could not target or keep either of these …

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