Tackleworld – Bundaberg

All areas fishing well around Bundaberg

It’s looking like there will be a bit of a blow coming through the Bundaberg and offshore areas over the weekend, with 15-20 knots forecast, so it’s looking like the offshore fishing will get a bit of a rest. If you were fortunate enough to get out earlier in the week during the good weather, you would have been well …

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Magic fishing conditions around Bundaberg

Last weekend it was awesome to see so many bigger boats out on the water making the most of the magic weather conditions around the Bundaberg area. With the calm conditions, a lot of guys decided to run a little further out around the Warregoes and the islands, and by all reports most boats managed to bring home a good …

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Cracker weekend ahead at Bundaberg

With the weekend fast approaching, it’s looking like it’s going to be a cracker, with almost calm conditions forecast for the Bundaberg area.  If this weather holds, it’s going to give the big boats another chance to head out wide. The fishing out there has been great, with a lot of big pearl perch, jobfish and snapper being caught out …

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Anglers make the most of brilliant Bundaberg weather

Well, now we are into the eight month of 2017, and the days are warming up so it won’t be long until species like mangrove jack and barramundi start becoming more active in the Bundaberg area. Once again, the weather last weekend was brilliant in this part of the world and it was fantastic to see so many boats out …

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Near-perfect conditions around Bundy

How good has the weather been around the Bundaberg area this past week, with near-perfect conditions every day? Those who had any time off to fish offshore scored well with the almost glass-calm conditions making it all worth it, and the fish were on the chew! The wider grounds such as the Herald Patches and the Warregoes all fired with …

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Magic time to wet a line at Bundaberg

This is generally a magic time of the year to wet a line around the Bundaberg area.  With a few cool foggy mornings to start last week, locals enjoyed a fantastic week of fishing the local hot spots. This weekend isn’t shaping up too bad as well, with Sunday being the pick of the two days at this stage. Last …

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Bundaberg produces awesome fishing

The fishing around the Bundaberg area these past few weeks has been good with plenty of awesome fish being caught.  If you were lucky enough to have gotten out last weekend, you would have seen Bundaberg produces awesome fishing when we get great weather. Although the tides were a bit on the large side, there were still plenty of reefies …

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Mixed reef fish and pelagics off Bundaberg

How good has the weather been around the Bundaberg area for the school holidays?  I’m sure all the kids made the most of the magic conditions, and by all the photos we keep seeing, a lot of good fish have been caught. Mixed reef fish and pelagics off Bundaberg With the perfect conditions, the boat ramp at Burnett Heads has been …

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Fishos do well around Bundaberg

The rivers and creeks have also been fishing well, even to a point where we reckon it has never fished better, with bulk fish being caught. Bream, bream and more bream seems to be the talk. They are big and in good numbers and have been caught on both bait and soft plastic lures. Other species that have been caught …

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VMR Bundaberg Family Fishing Classic

This weekend the annual VMR Bundaberg Family Fishing Classic will be held at Burnett Heads, and at this stage the forecast is looking fantastic to get out and have a fish, and try to win some of the many prizes in this year’s competition. The Burnett River has been fishing very well over the past few weeks.  The amount of …

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