IT’S been a long wait but spring is finally here. You can start to box up the winter warmers and put away the heaters. Overall, I would call this winter a mild one. We didn’t see too many awful cold days in the low single digits. That probably means we are in for one hell of a hot summer. So …
Read More »Brisbane snapper season still going strong
AT the end of my last article I mentioned I have been doing as much offshore fishing as I possibly can, and it’s safe to say I have become addicted to this awesome fishery right on our doorstep. I have been focusing the majority of my efforts on targeting big Brisbane snapper, but I have been picking away at a …
Read More »Guide to fishing Brisbane rivers and creeks
IT’S been a really good winter for fishos in southeast Queensland and this month should be no different. August is generally a very productive month for a wide range of species. The local flathead run will still be going strong and the jewfish and threadfin will remain active for anglers fishing Brisbane’s rivers and creeks. Good numbers of quality grunter …
Read More »Offshore mulloway magic in southeast QLD
IT is that time of year when we are spoilt for species to target offshore. On the shallow grounds we’ve seen a lot of offshore mulloway or jewies as they are affectionately known. Most people associate them with inshore estuaries, rock walls and structure close to river mouths, but they certainly aren’t limited to those areas. The range of these …
Read More »Jewfish and tailor arrive on Clarence Coast
JEWFISH and tailor dominated catches during June here in the Clarence Valley, which is to be expected. I’ve been writing about it for 27 years now and it was happening long before Captain Cook touched down, so it amazes me the number of people still surprised by the yearly event that happens right along the coastline. Winter equals a lot …
Read More »Preparation key to fishing success offshore
IN the build-up to winter, the Bundaberg area was experiencing little to no good weather for offshore fishing, and when a weekend finally arose, other commitments prevented me from heading out. But at long last a weekend came along when nothing stood in the way and once Friday night arrived, the boat was packed and the alarms set for the …
Read More »Land-based longtail tuna on Iluka breakwall
THE land-based longtail tuna and mackerel season came to a grinding halt mid-May after a couple of days of howling westerly wind followed by large 3-4m swells that lasted for several days. Sure, you may still be in with a chance of a land-based longtail tuna off the walls and headlands during June, however I would take a good supply …
Read More »Tackling Moreton Bay tailor and snapper
SNAPPER, come on down! June is an awesome time of year for getting rugged up, grabbing a mate and searching for a feed of snapper. A few spots reasonably easy to access either land-based or by boat or kayak will produce a good feed. Traditionally, we like to start at the mouth of the Brisbane River and work our way …
Read More »Unreal fishing experience for young fishos
As the day went on and we continued landing many more grassies and other smaller reef fish, we decided to head off to see if we could land a tuna before pulling the boat out of the water. With no luck in hooking a tuna, we both stopped fishing for a second and took in the awesome glassed-out conditions. While …
Read More »Winter fishing patterns in South Burnett
Cast the jerkbait up to the weed edge and crank it down a couple of winds, pause it and then begin a series of twitches as you wind. Remember that when fishing close to the weed you will contact it regularly, so just give the rod tip a quick flick to get the jerkbait free. Be patient with this technique …
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