
Shore fishing tips from Skip

I GET plenty of people asking me about shore-based fishing tips, thinking you can’t catch much without a boat. They couldn’t be more wrong. I may be biased, though I enjoy both, shore-based fishing can be especially satisfying without the technology of a boat. But to maximise your success from the shore you need to be prepared and either be …

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Autumn fishing in Gladstone starts

BY the time this publication hits there should be a chill in the air as we move well into autumn fishing in Gladstone. The change of weather means the fish species we target will slowly change from barramundi and mangrove jack to blue threadfin salmon and grunter. If we’re lucky enough, we’ll still be able to actively catch all species …

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Blaksley Anchorage: a hidden gem

WELL, I don’t think we’ve gotten rid of the problems from 2020. It seems this nasty bug we have hanging around is going to continue giving us a bit of trouble in 2021, so looking for places to get away from it all is probably not a bad thing. This month we might have a chat about a little hidden …

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La Nina shines on

THIS is the time of year when I start to get excited, not for the weather but for the fishing it brings to the coast. The two biggest targets for anglers now are tuna and mackerel, as they start to filter across our bays. They bring with them stories of being bitten off and the line-burning runs we all dream …

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Tips for Moreton Bay snapper and flathead

Applying a more targeted approach with select techniques on the right part of the tide, with a particular species in mind, has definitely caught more fish lately. I haven’t had that much time on the water this month, but even so I have managed to pick up quite a few nice southern bay fish on lures. There were a couple …

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Tagged metre flathead a first for Trophy Fishery Program!


The first metre-long dusky flathead – the Holy Grail for all keen flattie fishos – has been tagged as part of the Trophy Fishery Program! This program is a grassroots citizen science initiative involving anglers working with DPI to find out more about large female flathead in the Lake Macquarie, St Georges Basin and Tuross Recreational Fishing Havens. Col Couchman, …

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Jew lessons from Lisa Simpson

I LEARNT early in my jewfish targeting career that they can be finicky feeders at times, especially when using live bait such as mullet. By that I mean, one day jewfish will swallow the bait right down into the gut and the next they will slam it and kill it all within seconds. Jew lisa simpson In the 1980s, when …

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Weedless soft plastics guide

THE weather is warming and we’re starting to see more bass, barramundi and mangrove jack photos popping up on social media. Many of the photos feature a soft plastic and a weedless jig head locked firmly in the jaw hinge of the fish, making it difficult for it to throw or dislodge the jig head during the fight. weedless soft …

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Life after barra closure

WITH the Gulf of Carpentaria barramundi season closing on October 7, and the east coast due on November 1, it’s time to look at targeting other species. This closed season only applies to recreational fishers in Queensland waters. after barra It is perhaps ironic – and provides a huge promotional and economic boost – that our sister state the Northern …

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Oil and gas infrastructures become fish havens

Fish hven

A project funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation explores the pros and cons of leaving old oil and gas infrastructures in the waters off Karratha in northern Western Australia as they are now home to a myriad of marine species with these oil and gas infrastructures becoming fish havens. “Fish populations around some of the platforms near Thevenard …

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