Fish Species Guide

Consistency in South Burnett dams

SINCE the lifting of restrictions, the standout dam has been Lake Boondooma. I have the luxury of guiding on most dams in southeast Queensland, and Lake Boondooma has been turning up good numbers of Australian bass and consistent catches of yellowbelly. We are into early summer and water temperature is above 20C, so we have seen a thermocline develop in …

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Northern Rivers good between storms

HELLO all and welcome to this month’s edition. It has been another interesting month around the Northern Rivers as far as fishing goes. The weather has continued to heat up and we have seen our first storms and rain for the summer. One big concern for the coming season is the amount of rain we are going to see. The …

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Dec 2020

Volume 31, Number 12     Click here for the BNB Fishing Facebook Page Grab the free digital copy of here. Jam packed full of offshore, freshwater and estuary features, plus the latest tips and techniques to Grab the free digital copy of August 2020 here. Jam packed full of offshore, freshwater and estuary features, plus the latest tips and …

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Summer options in the Bay

AS summer kicks into gear, species such as estuary cod, mangrove jack, threadfin salmon, snapper, grass sweetlip, spangled emperor, tuskfish, moses perch, trevally and other pelagics come into play. Most of the reef species can be found around the bay islands, artificial reefs and in the Brisbane River, while pelagics are found in more open waters. The shipping channel, Rous, …

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Benefits of a fishing guide

FOR the past 25 years or so of my life, I have been well and truly bitten by the fishing bug and have tried to learn as much as I can about our great sport. This includes subscriptions to magazines such as this one, reading books, watching videos and, with the advent of social media and subscription TV channels, following …

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Impoundment barramundi hints

EVERY year when December rolls around many barramundi anglers simply pack their gear away for three months and wait with bated breath for the season to re-open in February. What’s interesting is that a good portion of these dedicated barra nuts choose not to tap into the many freshwater impoundments littered up and down the coast that hold fantastic numbers …

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Plenty of options for a festive fish

WELL, it’s that time of year again when the jolly old fellow in red will soon be around to see us. Many people have their annual holidays around this time, and this causes the waterways to become extremely busy over the festive season. Festive fish For many, this can be one of the few times their boat sees water during …

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Jump into summer jewfish

HOW many of you have had the itch to chase one of those big silvery slabs you’ve seen all over social media and magazines lately? The appeal of feeling the line being pulled uncontrollably from your toughest gear as you hook-up. You’re locked up and giving it all you’ve got. With the adrenaline pumping, you know that at any second …

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Build up to the wet

THE last third of the year produced memorable fishing around Thursday Island and the tip of Cape York. As the temperature climbs, the fishing fires up and there are more opportunities to push wider as the strong southeast trade wind begins to abate. As it’s been a while since I penned an article, here’s a quick summary of the fishing …

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Pre-summer warm up

NOVEMBER is a great time to start planning for the next month as we head towards my favourite time of the year – the pelagic run. This year things are set to be quite different, with La Niña being the driver for a better than average pelagic season. Summer warm up For now though, expect to find a few big …

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