Fishing Tips

Decent hauls from dirty water

hauls dirty water

Welcome to 2022. Hopefully it’s a year filled with lots of fish and crabs. The rivers and creeks certainly copped a good flush out last month. Regular rains do amazing things to a waterway, pushing all the fish and bait out towards the mouth of the system. This can make finding the fish a lot easier as they have less …

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Mud crabs on the move

Mud crabs

The La Niña forecast for a wet summer throughout southeast Queensland has one big upside for anglers and that is mud crabs will be on the move. The crabs had already started to fire up after a lean early season, thanks to a lot of rain in late November and early December. Big tide and rain create a lot of …

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Moreton Bay tuskies and sweetlip

Moreton Bay tuskies

Two of the best tasting fish you can catch in Moreton Bay are tuskfish and sweetlip. Three species of tuskies inhabit the bay – venus, purple and blackspot – and two species of sweetlip – grass and spangled. Moreton Bay tuskies Grass sweetlip have a minimum of 30cm and possession of 10, spangled have a minimum of 45cm and possession …

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Best places to throw a line in around Ballina

Best places Ballina

Hello, I hope you all had a safe and fun filled festive season with those nearest and dearest to you. Best places Ballina This time can be incredibly hectic with work and family commitments, so I do hope you are getting the opportunity to wet a line at some point. Best places Ballina Even harder than trying to find the …

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Success fishing isolated patches of reef

fishing isolated reef

Hi everyone, first up I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and let’s hope the new year is good to us all. fishing isolated reef By now there should be some good pelagic action off Noosa and Double Island. fishing isolated reef Spotted and spanish mackerel should be around on Stingrays and Noosa Hill maybe. fishing isolated reef Jew Shoal, …

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Fish to ability not expectation

Fish ability expectation

Holy cow, another year is done and dusted. I hope everyone had a great holiday period with friends and family. Fish ability expectation After a tough spring, I am looking forward to summer settling in. Fish ability expectation A massive shout out to all my supporters – sometimes a kind word from a reader makes you smile. Fish ability expectation But …

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Tips for wet summer fishing

wet summer fishing

Rain, we’ve had a lot of it and we are in for a lot more, so they reckon. wet summer fishing It’s certainly affected the fishing scene in the river systems, that’s for sure. wet summer fishing There are always good and bad points to a wet summer. wet summer fishing The bad is that the people upstream miss out …

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Fishing after a freshwater flush

Fishing freshwater flush

Wet, wet, wet is what it has been for the past few weeks on the Gold Coast and with the confirmation of La Niña being in full swing, we will see above average rainfall this summer. Fishing freshwater flush What does this mean for fishers? Fishing freshwater flush Getting wet for one, and with that most likely reduced numbers of …

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Spinning for mackerel and tuna

Spinning mackerel tuna

Nervous bait appears like rain on the surface of the water before out of nowhere the attack comes from both below and above. Fish fins and teeth carve up the surface of the water and birds descend from above, taking advantage of the hapless baitfish that have nowhere left to run. A quick cast into the melee, a few fast …

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Wading flats for fish

Wading flats fish

Hi everyone, we’re in peak season for summer species on the Gold Coast – including sand whiting and mangrove jack. I hope you’re enjoying time off to get out and fish in the wonderful waterways of southeast Queensland. Wading flats fish Over the past two years I ran many mangrove jack charters, however this year I have been heavily booked …

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