Search Results for: wilson

Endless options in Tin Can Bay

G’DAY guys and gals, I hope everyone has been keeping well and getting out and wetting a line. With the relaxation in the COVID-19 restrictions early in July and the school holidays, we saw an explosion of boats on the local waterways. This also brought some much-needed tourists back to our region. Now let’s have a look at what has …

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Supporting Australian-made companies

IF there has been a positive to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps it is the realisation that we as a nation rely too heavily on imported goods. Personally, I’ve been buying Australian made as first preference for more than a quarter of a century. Taken almost to the point of obsession, I’ve been fishing exclusively with Australian-made lures …

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Winter trip to Swains

THE snapper and pearl perch closed season for this year is now done and dusted and the overall feedback from most people is very supportive. There have been a few negative and veiled swipes at the closure conducted through the media, but they all link back to people who have a vested interest or who earn good money from being …

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Cracking catches from the bay

THE past few months have provided a bit of a smorgasbord when it comes to species being caught in the Moreton Bay region. Morgan, Austin and Wilson scored another awesome catch while fishing off Nudgee Beach with mum and dad. Taking home a cracker feed of winter whiting, this was a great effort and I can only imagine the smiles …

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Brisbane snapper trolling and tuna searching

THERE are lots of places to troll for snapper and your best bet is to start looking at maps with contours lines, Beacon to Beacon charts and even your sounder if it has a detailed Navionics card. To give you a few ideas of good places to start trolling for snapper, I would look at Peel Island, Mud Island, Green …

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Winter species still strong on Gold Coast

WINTER has flown by and we are already almost into spring, though our winter species here on the Gold Coast will still be in full swing. Here in Queensland we have just experienced our first year of the snapper and pearl perch closure, which was in effect until August 15, meaning you could not target or keep either of these …

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Fishing flathead fun

HOPEFULLY things are starting to get a little back to normal, or as everyone else likes to say ‘a new kind of normal’, after COVID-19.  Species that have been in supply include school mackerel which have been in reasonable numbers, and plenty of squire (pre-closure) as well as our usual flathead, with a few trevally mixed in. So, as well as …

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Spoilt for choice on the Sunshine Coast

WITH Spanish almost gone, winter is the time when several species are on everyones’ lips. For the beach fishos jewfish and tailor are prime targets. In rivers, an influx of golden trevally have made their presence known, and offshore snapper are coming on before their one month seasonal closure starts on July 15 for breeding. Offshore we are seeing better …

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Bli Bli Barra Fishing Park in winter

IT’S been a tough time for a lot of businesses, and the Barra Fishing Park at Bli Bli was one of those closed for a few months due to COVID-19. So, it was great that my son Josh and I were invited for a ‘pre-fish’ before the official re-opening on June 11. The Barra Fishing Park is a fantastic option …

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Setting up for cold weather cod fishing

cold cod

THERE is something a little weird about the anglers who chase big green fish in the freezer, but it’s an addictive time as the big fish come out to play. My first introduction to cold cod fishing was way, way back in about 1995. Let’s just say it was so long ago I can’t remember the exact year. We planned …

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