Fishing Tips

Mad mackerel month

Mad mackerel month

And just like that… we’re into autumn. Mad mackerel month The weather has made it a little difficult over the past month, with very unsettled conditions that have in turn made fishing very patchy. Mad mackerel month Some days the fish have been biting their heads off and other days… not even a nibble. Mad mackerel month I haven’t missed …

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Teaching our youth to fish

Teaching youth fishing

We try to focus on children and families, both in these articles and in the shop particularly. Teaching youth fishing There is a very good reason for this… ‘teach a child to fish and…’ Teaching youth fishing There are so many endings to this sentence and not many the same. Kids learn so much from us at a very young …

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Moreton Bay round-up

Moreton Bay round-up

Hasn’t the year flown by already… here we are in March and winter is just around the corner. Moreton Bay round-up Pelagic action has dominated the catches coming from the bay, with plenty of doggy mackerel being caught around the beacons – mainly from the M8 north and the Measured Mile across to Moreton Island Sandhills. As usual, birds have …

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Largest stocking rate to date

Largest stocking rate

It’s been a bit of a downer for some anglers, and as I mentioned last month, it’s re-think time. Largest stocking rate Yellowbelly can be taken 2.5m below the surface with small hard-body lures set around 4m behind the boat trolling or just casting into the tight inlets where water flows down from recent rainfall. Largest stocking rate The gullies …

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East coast reef smorgasbord

East coast reef

You spend your whole life discovering new fishing gems, and living in the middle of the Cape provides plenty of options if you take the opportunity to explore that bit further. East coast reef Even after 30 years up here, I’ve only scratched the surface – much of that due to the fact that many areas are still extremely difficult …

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Barra season re-opening

Barra season re-opening

Are you as excited as I am? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would be well aware that as of February 1, the Queensland saltwater barramundi season has officially re-opened. Barra season re-opening I can’t wait to get back out on the salt and chase a big chrome slab. Barra season re-opening The Shimano King of Kings competition …

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Fishing prayers answered

Fishing prayers answered

We are into another year, and my prayers were answered – if only for a short spell – they were still answered. Fishing prayers answered Just before Christmas, there was a lovely run of weather but that of course didn’t last long. Fishing prayers answered The remnants of ExTropical Cyclone Seth have me sitting at home again – lucky for …

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Top techniques to catch beachworms

techniques catch beachworms

In my view, beach fishing can be one of the most productive and simplest styles of fishing when the conditions are right. techniques catch beachworms You don’t need to fill the boat with fuel, check the bungs, check the trailer, put the boat in and out, watch the sounder… and the list goes on. techniques catch beachworms It’s a case …

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Landing mangrove jack land-based

mangrove jack land-based

One minute you’re sitting there wondering if you’ll ever get a bite – your mind drifts away to wherever a fisho’s mind wanders – and then without warning, you’re struggling to hang on to the rod. mangrove jack land-based This is how it usually goes for me at least, and this last session was no exception. mangrove jack land-based I …

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Gold Coast mackerel mayhem

And just like that, 2022 is in full swing. It was before the rain moved in that a few mackerel started to show up, only to be shut down by wind and downpours. Gold Coast mackerel It didn’t take too long for the water to clear up, and the fish have slowly but surely come back on the chew. Gold …

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