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How and where to buy a Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIPS)

Fishing in stocked impoundments There are 63 impoundments (dams and weirs) in Queensland that require a Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) permit to fish with a line. The impoundments are stocked with native fish specifically for recreational fishing. The scheme provides a sustainable fishing option that reduces the fishing pressure on wild fish stocks. Before you go fishing check the interactive …

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Fisheries blitz on freshwater permit evaders

A new seasonal campaign to crack down on people fishing without a freshwater permit in Queensland’s stocked impoundments is underway. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol District Manager North Queensland Glenn Shiels said fishers can expect to see fisheries officers on patrol at any stocked impoundment, at any time. freshwater permit “It’s important that everyone does the right thing to ensure …

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Endless options in Tin Can Bay

G’DAY guys and gals, I hope everyone has been keeping well and getting out and wetting a line. With the relaxation in the COVID-19 restrictions early in July and the school holidays, we saw an explosion of boats on the local waterways. This also brought some much-needed tourists back to our region. Now let’s have a look at what has …

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Bundaberg offshore fishing exploration

WHAT is more exciting than the unknown possibilities of a new fishing spot? I’m sure you’ve all had those dreamy weekday thoughts about fishing destinations you’re itching to explore. It may be a creek you have researched using Google Maps or a hidden gem you’ve heard whispers about. Bundaberg offshore fishing Either way, I know I am well and truly …

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Caravanning the Queensland coast

HI all, we’ve only just started this adventure and already it’s had a great impact on my personality and thought patterns. The rigidity of time schedules and limitations have simply disappeared into nothingness. We left our home thinking of all the places we’d discover, but who would have believed the main discoveries would be internal and in such a small …

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Federal minister revokes Queensland fishery licence – shark fins


Sussan Ley says conditions of export licence for shark fins and other products have not been met! Environment minister Sussan Ley has moved to revoke the export of shark fins and other seafood products from a Queensland government fishery over inaction on reforms to protect threatened species. Ley has written to Queensland’s fisheries minister, Mark Furner, saying the state had …

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Family fun at Fraser Island

IT is that time of year again, with my family and I just returning from four nights at Eurong Beach Resort on Fraser Island. This resort is located about an hour’s drive from the ferry landing at Kingfisher Resort, and slightly less coming from Hook Point on the bottom of the island. Eurong Beach Resort The two-bedroom apartment we stayed …

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Supporting Australian-made companies

IF there has been a positive to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps it is the realisation that we as a nation rely too heavily on imported goods. Personally, I’ve been buying Australian made as first preference for more than a quarter of a century. Taken almost to the point of obsession, I’ve been fishing exclusively with Australian-made lures …

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4WDing into Stanage Bay

WITH August just around the corner, and the snapper and pearl perch spawning closure in place for the first time, I think it’s a great thing and will only help fish stock build up. I have not been fishing for weeks because I lost my mojo with COVID-19 and I’m waiting to head off on my annual fishing trip once …

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Winter trip to Swains

THE snapper and pearl perch closed season for this year is now done and dusted and the overall feedback from most people is very supportive. There have been a few negative and veiled swipes at the closure conducted through the media, but they all link back to people who have a vested interest or who earn good money from being …

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